My Marinas Guide is a map-based, online marine services directory providing a comprehensive listing of all marinas and the major boatyards in Australia. It is designed to assist boaters in their passage planning by enabling them to locate marinas and maintenance facilities and to find service providers around those locations suitable to their needs.
The Guide is owned and produced by the Marina Industries Association (MIA). All marinas and boatyards which are members of the MIA have a comprehensive listing which details all facilities, amenities, and services available at the marina. Marinas which are unaffiliated with the MIA are listed by name only. Service providers to the boating industry such as shipwrights, marine mechanics and insurers can subscribe to the Guide so that their businesses can be located by boaters using the Guide.
We hope that the Guide provides the boating community with a useful resource to help boaters care for their vessel and make passage planning easier.
We welcome your feedback and hope you enjoy using the site.

Suzanne Davies
Chief Executive Officer
Marina Industries Association